Website : Introduction.

It is with great pleasure that I announce the opening of my website. This will serve me not only as a showcase to present my various personal and commercial works but also as an educational platform for my students.

This new beginning is rich in lessons and I hope to be able to share my passion with you as well as possible. Before leaving you to explore my site, I wanted to share with you the spirit that guides these places.

A breath of fresh air.

Mutation is change. The brutal evolution from one state to another. It is the almost naive discovery of an event that escapes us without our being able to control or prepare for it. Some accept it with more philosophy, others fear it. I shamelessly admit to being in the first category. Change, however indomitable, is like a breeze of fresh air in a desert. Yes, he sometimes upsets. Yes, it often bothers. It moves the sand in our eyes to the point of sometimes staggering. It forces us to put in place strategies, to get out of our comfort zone, to explore new horizons. But, when we know how to give it a chance, it then becomes a permanent refreshment, a new wind that hastens our steps towards the destination.

Computer graphics are like that wind. Sometimes sirocco, sometimes zephyr, this field of study destabilizes, surprises but also enriches us when tamed. Trends evolve, techniques progress and require us to question, a change of perspective. Yesterday's infographic does not look like today and no doubt it will be different from tomorrow. We do not deny the past, but we use it now to prepare for the future. It is this philosophy that guides me day after day and that I want to share through this site.

The future influences the present just as much as the past. [Friedrich Nietzsche]

Bad Mutant

Teacher by day, creative monster by night, the Bad Mutant tries by all means to train his students and treat his clients in the most beautiful way.